Baby M. and her soulful eyes.

Last Sunday, I was honored with capturing Brent and Timille's beautiful newborn in photos, and it was a ton of fun because they were really laid back and up for anything. We really were fortunate because the weather was warm for November... and the best most natural lighting at their home was to be found outside. We set up a table with a deep espresso brown basket with fluffy blankets that I brought... and we were able to get some amazing shots!

Baby M. had such brilliantly soulful eyes, and I wanted to really focus on that feature of hers. We had very few "sleepy baby" pictures... she loved the camera!

It's always so special to see the new parents' expressions... and when Brent put the Green Bay Packers onesie on his daughter, it was there. I know because I am not a mother yet, it's unfathomable to truly comprehend the feeling of falling in love instantly with someone you helped create. But what a beautiful miracle.

Congratulations again, Brent and Timille! You're going to make wonderful parents. :)

-- Chelsea :)

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